Bart Singleton, a renowned financial advisor who specialized in working with doctors and dentists, faced a daunting task alongside his clients - the uphill battle of student loans. From the outset, it was a consistent struggle to find reliable information or advice on how to handle the overwhelming debt.
Initially, the solution was to advise clients to visit the federal student loan website and contact their loan servicer for further assistance. However, his approach changed when a client requested that he jump on a call with them, only to be given inconsistent information from what they thought were reliable sources. After repeating this trend with several other clients, Bart realized there was a need for an affordable, user-friendly solution to help medical professionals with their specific loan repayment needs.
Thus, Doctors Student Loan Care was born. Bart spent countless hours on the phone with loan servicing companies and noticed a concerning trend - conflicting information about loan repayment options. This inconsistency led to costly mistakes for those attempting to navigate the process independently. Seeking professional advice from an outside firm or specialist was an option, but the high cost was prohibitive for most younger physicians.
The goal of Doctors Student Loan Care was to remove the barriers to obtaining reliable knowledge and provide a service that could effectively help medical professionals with their unique needs. By doing so, they aimed to save their clients hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run.